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This page is about the IMPACT 60W amplifier head.

In August 2000, I got one of these amps from a friend who had found it on a garbage dump. The front plate is missing, else it's in quite good shape for the age. The chassis is in excellent condition! It has very good looking transformers, and the output transformer has the same size as the power transformer. It has a quite advanced way to change the output impedance, a way to keep the whole secondary winding connected at all times. (See the schematic!)
There are two versions of this amp, one with several "bright caps" in the pre-amps, but apart from that the same.
There's also a a model with Reverb and Tremolo. One can be seen on the Finnish web site below.

Please send me an e-mail if You have any additional information or comments about IMPACT!

A review on Harmony Central: http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/Data/Impact/60_Watt_Head-01.html

A picture of an Impact by Status: http://www.valveamps.com/impact.htm  This model is made after that Impact was sold to Dallas Arbiter, and is really a Sound City 50+ in an Impact cabinet.
(Take a look at the site for other amps! http://www.valveamps.com/ )

My Finnish friend Jukka's web site, with pictures of different Impact and other amps. JK-Amps.
Schematics: Impact 60 1050PA-S  (I have drawn this from my amp, so I can't be sure that this is the original schematic, but my amp doesn't seem to have been modified in any way.)
Bright version. Impact 60 1050A
The current revision of my own amp: Impact 60 1050PA-S/2
NEW! Impact 60 Reverb&Tremolo. Original schematic!

Click for larger images!

My own Impact 60.
Impact 60 with 2x12" cab.
Impact 60 Reverb
Partridge transformers.
Impact 60 with 1008 Tallboy 4x8" column speakers.

Sixten Forsén, EDGAR Audio. Bollnäs Sweden.

(Back to main IMPACT page!) Last updated 2014-01-21